Week 12: The Sprinkler Mystery and Decor

I am happy to report that we are pretty much all settled. Save for a few random boxes of things that I don’t know where to put, we’re unpacked and now into decorating mode. This is the fun part. Unpacking is for the birds, but I love decorating. Most of my motivation to unpack was simply because I was so extremely tired of seeing and living out of boxes. My anxiety level as a whole has been a lot lower since we got here, but now it’s even better. 

Last week we got the water feature out front to start flowing, but then quickly realized that the water was draining somewhere. When we first turned on the pump, there was still some water in the little pond at the bottom. For a little while, we debated on leaving the feature as is and having it serve as a dry bed, but once the weather started getting warmer, I realized that the standing water would end up being a cesspool for mosquito larvae. 

The next morning, we went out to turn it on. The remaining water in the stream wasn’t enough to flow all the way down so we started filling up buckets of water and bringing it to the stream. First, we couldn’t find the water spigot out front and I kept saying, “It has to be here somewhere. What kind of house doesn’t have a front spigot?!” I was exclaiming this as I was rolling buckets of water on Mr. WTF’s old longboard from the backyard to the front. Luckily for me, my mother-in-law was hunting for it too and found it around the side of the house through the trees. Side note, there’s a whole area back there that would be really suitable for some planter boxes, but maybe in years to come. Anyway, we found the spigot and started filling buckets from the front yard. It was a lot of hot and heavy work to find that the water disappeared over night. We thought that it might be evaporation, but it seemed like a lot of water was gone. The manual had no useful information for us either.  

I got a hose the next day and we filled it back up. I wasn’t about to haul more buckets! The next day it was all gone again so we turned it off. We also discovered around the same time that the sprinkler system wouldn’t turn on even though we were pushing the manual setting. All three of us looked and couldn’t figure it out, but assumed that there had to be something that we were missing. The landscaping was very pretty when we bought the house, so the sprinklers had to have been working.

We were right. We were missing something. Yesterday, Mrs. Fong was on a walk and saw our gardener working on a neighbor’s yard. She asked him to come by afterwards to see if he could fix our sprinklers. The neighbor who moved here from SF and recommended the gardener to us, said that she had the same problem. As it turns out, the valves Mr. WTF was turning weren’t the right ones. He was close, but there was a little valve all the way at the bottom of the valve box that we didn’t see/know to look for. The gardener turned it on for us and Mrs. Fong immediately heard the water turning on for the water feature. Problem solved. We’re not accustomed to having to “blow out” our irrigation systems during the winter to prevent pipes bursting. We figured that we had to do something different, but didn’t know what it was. Ta-dah! 

Our own little babbling brook. Good thing it came with the house because we wouldn’t have put it in ourselves! Being from California, we’re wondering what our water and electricity bills will be like next month.

I’m pretty relieved that we don’t have to keep watering everything by hand. Last week the pine trees all decided that it was time to pollinate and it’s EVERYWHERE, so I haven’t been going outside as much as I’d like to. I was sitting in the backyard with Lucas while he played. My back was to our pine tree when a gust of wind came through. Lucas was eating some kind of snack and he stopped, eyes got huge, and he goes, “Mommmmyyyyyy, the pollen!” I turned around and saw a yellow cloud blowing towards us. We got up and ran inside so fast. I didn’t know at the time how much more pollen was to come. It was a lot. It was a warm day so we had a lot of the windows open. I noticed that evening that there was pollen in our bathtub. I then walked around and found that there was pollen on almost every surface. When I vacuumed under the windows, the dust inside had a yellow tinge to it. Needless to say, Yesterday’s Maintenance Monday was a deep clean. I wiped down all of the windowsills and vacuumed the entire upstairs.

In other news, we have some new decor up and Mr. WTF put up the lights that I got to go over the kitchen island. 

Mrs. Fong and I were waiting by the windows to see the rain as if we’ve never seen rain before.
Yesterday (Monday) we watched video on what paleontologists do and then dug up dinosaurs from kinetic sand.




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