
This blog is geared towards parenting twins and lifestyle changes, but who knows where it’ll take us? Projectile vomit on the carpet may lead to pro puke removal tips or picky eaters will help provide strategic menu planning. No biggie! Others before me have survived raising twins and more will after mine are grown. It’s not a new concept by any means, but we’re doing it Fong-style.

The tag line “What the Fong” arose when Mr. WTF and I were planning our wedding. We needed a tag line that was easy to remember and we agreed that we wanted something that made people smile. My then, future Sister-In-Law, had a clever Instagram handle that we took inspiration from. Thus, our wedding site, whatthefong.com, was born. After years of hibernation, I’ve resurrected our slogan for this lifestyle blog, as it applies more so now than it ever did before.

My mission is simple. Solidarity. Caretakers, whether you have one or ten, know that you’re not alone. I may have twins, but we’re all pulling out our hair together in hopes of raising, kind, intelligent, and compassionate children who know what it feels like to be loved.

That being said, this isn’t a rated G blog. I hope my kids don’t go back and read my musings, but if they do, that they’ll have an open mind and children of their own so that they can relate. There will be cussing, probably crude humor, bad “dad” jokes, amusing self depreciation and then some. (Sorry Mommy, just bleep out the bad words when you read them.)